
Here you will find examples of some of our spectrometer products. You will find a complete overview as PDF on the main page. For individual solutions, please contact us.

UV Design Spectrometer
UV Design Spectrometer: Small, high-resolution, portable Spectrometer with operation software. Ready-to-use, simple, uncomplicated operation. For stationary operation or as mobile, pass-through, data logging system. In various technical configurations available.
UV Design Spectrometer: Screenshot of the software that shows data gathered with the Spectrometer shown above.
UV WIFI Spectrometer: including Android-Tablet with pre-installed Software. Small, high-resolution, portable Spectrometer with operation software. Ready-to-use, simple, uncomplicated operation. For stationary operation or as mobile, pass-through, data logging system. In various technical configurations available. Size 165x105x16mm
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