UV-Design from Germany supplies precise UVA/B/C measurement technology and custom-made products. Accessories and a calibration service round off the range.
New scope of products
The PDF with the product overview has been updated and can be downloaded here.
Product highlights
Two of our latest products are the UV-Design WIFI Spectrometer (including an Android device and app for visualization) and the UV-Design Datalogger (with graphical visualization on the device itself). Find details on the product pages and in our product overview. If you have any questions about the devices, please contact our sales department. Additionally, we now also offer the Fast Check Strips of type 4001.

UVC disinfection
As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, we are currently receiving more enquiries about technology in the UVC range. Please refer to the page UVC disinfection, where we have compiled all relevant information for an overview.
About us
Mr. Edgar Hoehn, born 1950 in Germany, graduated 1968 and became an electronics engineer in 1970. He started his career at Honeywell where he worked for two years on a military project. From 1972 to 1980 he worked for Theimer, a german UV lamp manufacturer, as a developing engineer of UV measuring and sensoring. In 1980 he started to work for Wang Computer and developed evaluation software. Since 1992 he worked for Kuehnast Strahlungstechnik as a developing engineer of UV measuring and sensoring.
Mr. Edgar Hoehn started his own developments of software programming, measuring and sensoringtechniques in 1982 and established his company UV-Design in 1990.
UV-Design supplies precision measuring equipment for ultraviolet lamps adapted to your special requirements. Since the foundation as a measuring instrument manufacturer about 30 years ago, UV-Design has been a pioneer in this segment; offering high performance and reliability at high cost efficiency. The tailor-made solutions from UV-Design are developed and produced in Germany. Our customers use them in the printing industry, the food industry and the semiconductor industry, among others. We deliver worldwide, mainly to Europe, Asia and North America.
UV-Design offers customers a calibration Service since 2005.